~~ One Year Later ~~
“Oh Maeve…you look stunning.”
My mom and I share a sentimental look through the floor-length mirror as Ainsley finishes zipping my vow renewal dress. It’s white silk, fitted, with a halter neck and fits me perfectly.
Now. It fits me perfectly now. In another month or so? Who knows.
“Thank you for doing this,” Mom says, rubbing her hands over my bare arms.
“You're welcome, but you don’t need to thank me. Logan and I wanted to do this,” I say. “We would’ve done it sooner if our lives wouldn’t have been so chaotic.”
“And whose fault is that?” Quinn says in jest as she pours herself another glass of champagne.
“Logan’s,” I say firmly.
“Oh yes. Blame it on your husband,” Stella says. “Because I’m sure he held a gun to your head and made you do your television show.”
“And not just a television show,” Ainsley says. “A hit television show.”
As in the case for many things in life, multiple things can be true at the same time.
Logan and I did want to renew our vows sooner, but scheduling was a pain. Between the new game rollout, the debut of my television show, and the schedules of our families, it’s a miracle we made it happen within a year.
But here we are. On a beach in Jamaica, surrounded by everyone we love, and about to recommit to this life we’re building together.
And what a life it is.
In the little more than the year that we’ve been married, I feel like it’s been one chaotic thing after the other. But, unlike the beginning of our marriage, all of this chaos has been good. We still find the calm when we need to, but the calm now feels like a reward, not a salvation.
As Logan predicted, his new game, SpaceCraft Eras, was a smashing success. The release has been more than he and the board ever expected. The game, along with the merchandise and accompanying fanfare surrounding it has taken every ounce of pressure off of Logan. He was already a pretty laid back guy, but now it’s like he’s floating. And, not shockingly, with the pressure off, he’s been able to concept tons of new ideas for future games. Some come from his brain, some from the second-grade think tank that Jayce has organized at recess, and one has even come because of me.
Yes, my husband is designing a mobile game where I help someone decorate a home.
Yes, it’s based off of my new television show.
No, I don’t know how this is real life.
I mean, I decided to do the show out of pettiness and to prove to my family I’d be the worst reality star in history. I thought it was poetic justice that the woman who tried to ruin my life would have to know that I got my own show. Plus, my sisters wouldn’t stop nagging me about doing it. But I never thought it would get picked up, let alone anyone would watch it.
I was wrong. Very wrong.
My show, Music City Makeover, has me going around Nashville and making over the homes of those who need my help. Most are the reluctant ones who were nominated by friends or family because their homes are…well…they need some help. Others are nominated because friends love them and want to help give them a fresh start. Those are my favorites.
But no matter the reason, I’ve been able to take my love of designing and decorating spaces and bring it to the masses. It’s been a dream come true that I didn’t know I had. But the true pinch myself moment came when a major retailer approached me about coming up with my own line of pillows and decor.
So between both of our careers, my family and his brother having their own very busy lives, and Jayce’s schedule that is getting more busy by the day, I don’t know how we found time to get everyone here today.
I also don’t know how we found time to make a baby but that happened too.
Oh, yeah….I’m pregnant. Eight weeks. No one knows yet. Not even Logan. Well, not yet. Though I plan to tell him today.
We weren’t trying, but we weren’t preventing, either. I asked him once about having children of his own. Don’t get me wrong, the man is amazing with Jayce. Could win an award for Bonus Dad of the Year. But I know it’s different having a child of your own. Logan said that he’d love to, but ultimately the decision was mine.
And it was the easiest decision I ever made.
Little did I know that within months of going off of birth control, it would happen.
But I’ve learned that’s how life works. Things happen when you aren’t ready, or are least expecting them to. At least, that's how my life has gone as Maeve Banks-Matthews.
“Alright everyone, let’s have a toast before we get things started!”
My sisters, Mom, Charlie, and Kat all grab flutes of champagne. I freeze for a second, not knowing what to do as Quinn pushes a flute into my hand.
“It’s grape juice,” she whispers. “No one knows.”
I looked at her wide-eyed and jaw dropped. “How did you know?”
She coyly smiles and gives me a shrug. “I have my ways.”
I really want to ask her more about this, but I can’t as Kat begins giving a toast.
“I just wanted to say thank you to Maeve for not only including me in this magical day, but for being the absolute best person for Logan.” The two of us lock eyes and share a silent conversation. Over this past year Kat has become one of my best friends. She’s Aunt Kat to Jayce. She’s become my publicist as well because apparently when you’re on television you need one. I’m so happy that she’s come into my life. “I’ve watched the two of you grow in your love for one another, and it’s something everyone should aspire to. So here’s to more years of love and happiness.”
“To love and happiness!”
Everyone takes a sip of their champagne, and even though I don’t know how she knows, I’m so glad Quinn switched mine so I didn’t have to lie about not drinking.
“Is everyone ready?” The voice comes from the resort’s wedding coordinator.
I take one more look at myself in the mirror. My hair is perfect—in a low bun with a perfectly placed lily to the side. My dress doesn’t have a wrinkle to be seen. I haven’t cried off my makeup and my morning sickness has stayed at bay.
I couldn’t ask for a better day.
“I am,” I say. “Let’s go get married again.”
“And with that, may I introduce to everyone, again, Mr. and Mrs. Logan Matthews!”
The fifty-or-so friends and family applaud as I bring Maeve in for a kiss that is just deep enough to show her how much I love her, but decent enough for our families to watch.
The kiss that leads to me stripping her from that silk, white dress will come later.
We reluctantly pull away, though I sneak back in for one more, before Maeve and I walk up the make-shift aisle off the beach and toward the resort we’re staying at for our vow renewal, and next week into our honeymoon.
Honeymoon. We’ve been married for a year legally and never took a honeymoon. Yes, we took a family vacation after the custody situation with Josh and Vivian died down. But Maeve and I have never taken multiple days where it’s just her, me, sun and sex.
And I can’t bloody wait.
“Congratulations big brother.” I feel Callum’s hand on my back as I turn to him, embracing him in a hug as we enter back into the resort.
“Thank you for being here,” I say.
“Wouldn’t have missed it.”
It was hard enough coordinating schedules for Maeve, myself, and her family. Then trying to add in Callum’s rugby schedule and I’m shocked as hell that Maeve was able to find a date in the middle of the season where he could be here.
Then again, she’s my wife and I don’t think there’s anything she can’t do.
Unfortunately though, because of his schedule, he was only able to arrive yesterday, and has to leave tomorrow morning to be back with his team.
“I hate that you have to leave so soon,” I say.
“That just means you have to come visit,” Callum says. “You know, use that private jet you have to come catch a match.”
I nod and bring him in one more time. “I’ll do that. I promise.”
“Excuse me.” Maeve’s voice has me pulling away. “I’m sorry and I hate to interrupt, but I need to steal my husband for some photos.”
“He’s all yours,” Callum says as he and Maeve embrace. I watch on as Callum leans down and whispers something to Maeve, which has her laughing as she pulls back.
“Care to share what that was about?” I ask as we walk hand-in-hand toward the photographer.
“Just some brotherly advice,” she says as she leads me down a hallway. I have no idea where we’re going—Maeve took care of all the details for the itinerary of the day. So when we step back outside, only this time onto a private patio, I’m a little confused.
“Pictures here?” I ask. I mean, it has a stunning view, but this wouldn’t have been a location I would’ve picked, except that it’s private. The only people here are myself, Maeve, and the photographer that’s standing just far enough away to give us a moment.
“Something like that.”
I watch as Maeve picks up a wrapped box that I didn’t see before that was resting on a table. “This is for you.”
I quirk an eyebrow as to what this can be. We already exchanged gifts between the two of us last night—I bought her an aquamarine necklace to match her engagement ring that was never an actual engagement ring and she gifted me a new Rolex that is the same make and model worn by the original James Bonds.
“More gifts?”
She shrugs and I also notice that she’s biting her lip. Why is she nervous? “This one I wanted to wait until after the ceremony.”
Well now I’m intrigued. I waste no time in popping the ribbon that’s covering the silver and gold wrapping paper. I toss it aside and quickly make work of the paper and lid to the box. When I move aside the tissue paper, my entire body freezes.
Because I’m staring at what seems to be a pregnancy test and a card with a video game controller on it that reads “New Player: Entering the game in September.”
“Love?” My voice is cracking as I pick up the stick and the card, letting the box fall to the floor. “Is this?”
She nods, tears starting to fall from her eyes. “It is. I’m pregnant.”
I think I’m in shock for only another second as I bring Maeve into my arms, hugging her so tight she might not be able to breathe. Which I realize isn’t probably good for the baby, but I can’t help it.
I’m going to be a father.
“When? How?”
She chuckles in my embrace. “You really have to ask how?”
I laugh because she’s right about that. If it’s one thing Maeve and I are good at it’s the act of making a baby. “I’m just…I don’t have words.”
“I know,” she says. “That’s why I wanted to tell you away from everyone. I wanted us to be in the calm.”
I set down the test and card before bringing Maeve’s face to mine, kissing her with everything I have in me. I knew today was going to be a special day for us. After a year of ups, downs, and craziness, we were finally able to come together with our family and friends to have this day where we recommitted our love and our vows. A wedding Maeve wasn’t standing in a courthouse for.
But this? I never in a million years dreamed that this day would have this memory forever attached to it.
I deepen the kiss a little more, dipping Maeve back when I hear the shutter of the camera going off. Fuck, I forgot she was here.
“Is this why you had a camera? To get my reaction?”
She smiles as I bring her back up. “I wanted to hold on to this memory forever.”
“I’m so glad you did, Love.”
And I am. I know I’m going to want to frame this photo and have it on my desk for years to come. Add it to my collection of photos that have formed over the past year.
A picture of Maeve and I from the Christmas charity gala.
A picture of Jayce and I from last Halloween where we dressed up as Batman and Robin.
One of the three of us from the first vacation we took together.
And there are other memories splattered across my desk. The desk that used to be barren of any photos of family or friends. But now I want to frame every memory. Hold onto them for as long as I can.
Because that’s what you do when you’ve found your meaning. Your purpose. Your person.
Your Love. ​​