~~ 18 months later ~~
Before Simon and Charlie finally said “I do” earlier today, he asked me when I was proposing to Stella. He even made a joke about, then outrightly suggested, I do it at his wedding.
You know, because he’s responsible for our relationship and all.
He might be my best friend and now full-fledged business partner in Magnolia Properties, but there are some things that are meant to be private. And I’m sorry, I’m not asking his sister to marry me with him in the audience.
So I played it off. Told him that it was his and Charlie’s special day and I didn’t want to overshadow it. I did promise that it was coming soon. And I wasn’t lying.
He just didn’t know soon was tonight.
No one does. Even her father, who I did ask for her hand, doesn’t know when I’m going to do it. Tonight is just for us.
Just like she always said she wanted.
Did I want to get engaged on Simon’s wedding day? It wasn’t my first choice. But, then I remembered all the things I knew I needed to do to give Stella the day she’s dreamt about for years—the day I know she was robbed of from the Convict Who Won’t Be Named. And to do that, it actually made perfect sense to do it tonight.
I remember every detail of what Tiger told me a year and a half ago about her engagement. That she wanted it private. She didn’t want to ugly cry in front of strangers. And that she wanted to be surprised, which means I need to not act like a fidgety, fumbling fool.
What’s the best way to prevent that? Have a day full of activities—like a wedding—where we’d both be so busy that she wouldn’t see it coming and I’d have plenty to keep me occupied. And it was the perfect way to make sure Stella stayed out of the house as Maddie went to set it up for me.
There’s just one problem I didn’t take into account—the drive back to our house. I didn’t think about the thirty minutes I had to sit here and know what I’m about to do, all while Stella sits next to me, likely wondering why I haven’t said a word since we got in the truck.
Don’t fuck this up now Collins. She deserves all of this and more.
“You okay?”
Fuck…am I giving it away? I lace my hand through Stella’s and take a quick glance over to her, hoping that I can deflect my silence. “Yeah, just tired. Long day you know?”
She nods and lays her head against my arm. “It really was. I mean, I’m used to it as a bridesmaid. But usually the groomsmen don’t have to show up as early as you guys did. Then again, only my brother would make sure to book hair appointments for the men.”
“Yeah, none of us saw that coming,” I say. Myself and the other groomsmen had no idea why he wanted us there six hours before the wedding. We could’ve fit in nine holes of golf if we’d wanted to. But that would’ve been normal. I’ve only been in one other wedding in my life, and we arrived a comfortable three hours before, which was plenty of time to get ready, take a few photos, and slam a shot of whiskey before taking our places. But because Simon Banks is the most over-the-top groom in history, we had to have a full day of getting ready.
I really am tired. But not tired enough to not go through with my plan.
“Yeah, though I must say, it was nice having a touch up before putting on this tux.”
Stella maneuvers herself a bit so she can lean over to kiss my cheek. “I agree. And I must say, I had the most handsome date there. Who knew my blue-collar guy could pull off a tux like that?”
“Oh Tiger, did you doubt me?”
She’s maneuvered now fully on her knees, her lips leaving soft kisses under my ear and down my neck. “Never. But I’ve been staring at you in this tuxedo all day and I think I should be rewarded that I’ve kept my hands to myself.”
“We snuck away for a quickie in the closet.”
She gives a faux-innocent shrug. “Yes but you initiated that. What was I to do?”
I laugh and kiss the top of her head. “Fair enough Tiger, fair enough.”
Now normally I wouldn’t say no to Stella’s antics in the front seat. The amount of things we’ve done in this truck—many while driving—I’m pretty sure are illegal in the state of Tennessee. But tonight I let the conversation naturally melt away, not wanting to charge it up too much before we get home.
I thought I planned every detail of this proposal. I have the ring set out for me to easily grab when we get in the living room. There’s ice cream in the freezer if we ever get to it and champagne chilling. Maddie should be leaving right now as she went to light dozens of candles around my living room and set up the surprise I have for her. She even took Winnie so we could have the night to ourselves without our dog trying to share the bed.
Or knock over a candle.
I thought I had it all planned for a simple, yet romantic, proposal. Admittedly I didn’t think far enough ahead that we’d be ready to rip each other’s clothes off the minute we got home. I should’ve saw it coming. We might now be well into a year of dating, but we still can’t keep our hands off each other. Which I never want to stop. I want to be just as obsessed with her in forty years as I am today. I never want that spark to go away.
Except tonight. But only for a minute.
Then let the sparks fly.
I think about baseball stats and take a deep breath as Stella keeps kissing on my ear, but luckily before too long I’m pulling into the driveway. I put the truck in park without going into the garage. Which isn’t normal because that’s how we always go inside. However for what I have planned tonight, the front entrance is key.
“Why are you out here?”
“I want to clean the garage tomorrow. Easier if I just keep it out tonight.”
“So we’re not having a lazy Sunday where we stay naked all day under the excuse that we had a long day today and we’ve earned it?”
Oh we have, and we will have that day, I just can’t let her know that yet. “Sorry Tiger. The floors aren’t going to power wash themselves.”
I fight back a laugh as I watch her pouty lip come out. “Can I have a lazy day? Or do I have to deep clean the bathroom?”
I kiss her forehead. “You can have the laziest day ever.”
That makes her smile as I get out of the truck. By now she knows that she doesn’t open the door herself, which makes it convenient to take her hand to help her down out of the cab and keep hold of it as we walk up to our front door.
I slyly peek in through the sliver of the curtain inside and see the faint glow of the candles that Maddie lit. If you aren’t looking you can’t see them, but I know they’re there.
Seeing the candlelight sends a shot of adrenaline through me. But not in a bad way. It’s not a sudden burst of fear or panic or pre-regret. On the contrary, it’s an excitement knowing that I have the rest of my life now to officially love Stella.
To make her my wife.
To make her Mrs. Stella Collins.
I might love my shoes more than most thing in life, but after a day like today, I can’t wait to take them off.
Yes. That’s what I want. I want my shoes and this strapless bra off. And I want Emmett to take them off of me the second we walk in this house.
He’s quiet as he turns the lock and opens the door, holding it out for me as I take a step inside. But instead of turning around so I can ask him to not-so-gently get me naked, I realize that every light in the house is off, but there’s a faint glow in the hallway. Winnie isn’t barking or jumping on us. And is that music playing from somewhere?
I turn around to Emmett, clearly confused as to what’s happening. It’s then that I see a glint in his eye.
Oh my God what is happening…
“Cap?” I ask, my voice shaking.
His smile grows as he places his hand on the small of my back. “Walk with me.”
I don’t know whether to look at him or where we’re going as he leads me down the hallway. I try to go back and forth, which is how I see the growing number of candles lit.
“Oh my God.”
My words are a whisper as we walk into the living room, which is somehow not setting off the fire alarms with the amount of lit candles. On the coffee table is no less than four dozen roses and an ice bucket with a bottle of champagne chilling in it.
And right in front of them is a Captain America action figure and a miniature stuffed tiger.
“I have my ways,” he says as he guides me to the couch. “This is where you sat the first night we met.”
I feel the tears bubbling in my eyes as I take in everything.
Holy shit is this happening…
“The first time you were in this house, I carried you into this room. You were drunk as a skunk, got into two fights, and I didn’t know your name.”
I laugh as I look at Emmett, who is on one knee in front of me. I’ve always thought he was handsome. From the first night I made eye contact with him at the bar he took my breath away. But right now? With his tuxedo tie loose and his hair a little messy, with candlelight perfectly hitting his jawline, he’s the sexiest man alive and it’s not even close.
Wait a minute…he’s on one knee…
Oh my God I’m getting engaged. This IS happening…
“I remember thinking that night how strong you were. I wondered how you were still standing after all you’d been through. I also had to talk myself out of trying to kiss you because you’re beauty took my breath away.”
“That says a lot considering what I was wearing,” I joke through tears.
“Oh Tiger. You were the most beautiful mess I’d ever seen.”
Emmett turns around and takes a box off the table. How did I not see that?
“That night we first met, we became Cap and Tiger. An unlikely duo with an unlikely meeting that turned into a love neither one of us saw coming. I never thought I’d see you again, but you left a mark on me, and I’m not just talking about the shoe you tried to beat me with.”
“I could’ve taken you.”
“I’m sure you could,” he says, taking my hand and kissing my knuckles. “Stella, I didn’t know your name but I knew you were special. I knew you were different but I just didn’t know how. But now I do. You’re the love of my life. The other part of my soul. The reason I want to be a better man. I love you so much it hurts. I want date nights where you get dressed up and I pretend to grumble about not wearing jeans. I want lazy nights in where you’re wrapped around me eating ice cream. I want to pull you in my arms and slow dance in the kitchen because you look so fucking adorable I can’t help myself. I want to build you ten more shoe closets and I want to take you to a Civil War reenactment. I want to pick you up from volunteering at the animal shelter and shake my head because you’re trying to bring home another dog. I want to get you coffee for the rest of your life and I want to eat the fucking Alfredo sauce with you.“
I’m a mess. A bawling mess as Emmett opens the ring box.
He remembered. He remembered everything. Not just all of the silly stuff I one time said a million months ago, but he remembered that I wanted this to happen in private. That I didn’t want strangers seeing me cry. And that I wanted to be surprised.
He did it. He did it all.
But of course he did. He is my Prince Charming after all…
“Stella Banks, I want you to walk down the aisle toward me and our eyes never let go of each others. I want every guest to fade into the background because seeing you in a wedding dress—the wedding dress of your dreams—is going to make me the happiest man in the world. I want to kiss you at the altar so deeply that it makes the minister blush. I want to dance to our song as Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Collins.”
He takes my left hand in his and presents the ring. I can’t help but look down and holy shit balls…that thing is huge.
Well done Cap…
“Stella Banks…Tiger…will you do me the honor of being my wife?”
I nod furiously through my tears. “Yes! Oh my God yes.”
The ring is only on my finger for approximately two-point-seven seconds before I launch myself into his arms. Somehow we don’t fall over, which would likely cause a fire, but even if it did, I don’t care.
I’m in love. I’m in love with the man of my dreams. My fiancé.
My Cap.